Conan Ridicules Al Udeid Booze Restrictions, Suggests New Policy

Conan O'Brien poses with servicemembers at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar earlier this week. (Photo: Air Force Times).
Conan O’Brien poses with servicemembers at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar earlier this week. (Photo: Air Force Times).

During his visit to Al Udeid in Qatar, where he joined the First Lady and was serenaded by the Air Force’s local band, Conan stumbled upon the base’s stupefying rulebook. The result was entertaining.

O’Brien had a few choice words for the alcohol restriction policy in particular. Essentially, he suggested it should be inverted – from a 3-drink maximum in 18 hours to an 18-drink minimum in 3 hours. This is no-doubt the fear that wakes the base’s senior leaders every night in a cold sweat, from which they leap to their helicopters to continue a year-long parenting exercise that masquerades as deployed command.

O’Brien’s attitude is unsurprising coming from someone accustomed to working with crowds who’ve often had a minimum of 3 drinks before a show. Then again, it’s a pretty normal attitude for most freedom-cherishing American adults, possessed as they are with notions of self-determination and individual responsibility.

Conan’s remarks were popular. He distilled the insanely Stalinist nature of one of Al Udeid’s most controversial self-imposed limits, and exposed the sometimes forgotten fact that seeing stupidity in Al Udeid’s policies isn’t disobedient or unprofessional … it’s just plain American.

Watch for yourself, and enjoy.

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